Demi nonbinary lesbian butch protogen

Create a highly detailed animation styled image featuring an anthropomorphic character who identifies as non-binary. This character is also of the 'butch' variety specifically associated with lesbian culture. As a 'Protogen', the character should exhibit hybrid biological and robotic traits. The unique trait of this character should reflect a certain level of toughness and resilience. Emphasize the character's expressive eyes and glossiness of their artificial components to subtly hint at an anime influence.

Create a highly detailed animation styled image featuring an anthropomorphic character who identifies as non-binary. This character is also of the 'butch' variety specifically associated with lesbian culture. As a 'Protogen', the character should exhibit hybrid biological and robotic traits. The unique trait of this character should reflect a certain level of toughness and resilience. Emphasize the character's expressive eyes and glossiness of their artificial components to subtly hint at an anime influence.

Demi nonbinary lesbian butch protogen

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