
Create a small-scale image that captures the essence of traditional Japanese animation, also known as anime. The scene should feature an urban landscape during the evening. The tall buildings in the background have vibrant neon signs, and cherry blossom trees line the streets. On the foreground, a group of three young people of different sexes and descents are walking, each one unique but all sharing exaggerated emotive expressions, characteristic of anime. The style of the image should be reminiscent of pixel art, with a limited color palette and distinct blocky aesthetic.

Create a small-scale image that captures the essence of traditional Japanese animation, also known as anime. The scene should feature an urban landscape during the evening. The tall buildings in the background have vibrant neon signs, and cherry blossom trees line the streets. On the foreground, a group of three young people of different sexes and descents are walking, each one unique but all sharing exaggerated emotive expressions, characteristic of anime. The style of the image should be reminiscent of pixel art, with a limited color palette and distinct blocky aesthetic.


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