A pixel version of a high-tech Tokyo street with neon lights.

Please create an image that has a pixel art style. The scene should depict a futuristic city street, inspired by the cityscapes of Tokyo. The street should be adorned with high-tech features and neon lights shimmering in various colors. Skyscrapers tower over the street, filled with electronic billboards and signs, advertising fictional products. The sidewalks should be crowded with people hurrying about their businesses, and an array of futuristic vehicles should be seen in the streets. This scene should evoke the sense of a vibrant, bustling metropolis in a futuristic technology-driven world.

Please create an image that has a pixel art style. The scene should depict a futuristic city street, inspired by the cityscapes of Tokyo. The street should be adorned with high-tech features and neon lights shimmering in various colors. Skyscrapers tower over the street, filled with electronic billboards and signs, advertising fictional products. The sidewalks should be crowded with people hurrying about their businesses, and an array of futuristic vehicles should be seen in the streets. This scene should evoke the sense of a vibrant, bustling metropolis in a futuristic technology-driven world.

A pixel version of a high-tech Tokyo street with neon lights.

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