Karate female anthropomorph Tiger, training in traditional dojo 

A female anthropomorphic tiger character practicing karate in a traditional dojo. She is portrayed in an anime-inspired style, capturing the visual traits typical to the medium - exaggerated eye size and emotive facial expressions. She is in action, demonstrating a karate move, her striped fur bristling with movement. Her attire consists of a white karate gi, and a black belt indicating her proficiency. The dojo is detailed - wood-panelled floors, hanging lanterns for light, and training equipment like tatami mats and wooden buckets dispersed around. There's a serene Zen garden visible through the open shoji doors.

A female anthropomorphic tiger character practicing karate in a traditional dojo. She is portrayed in an anime-inspired style, capturing the visual traits typical to the medium - exaggerated eye size and emotive facial expressions. She is in action, demonstrating a karate move, her striped fur bristling with movement. Her attire consists of a white karate gi, and a black belt indicating her proficiency. The dojo is detailed - wood-panelled floors, hanging lanterns for light, and training equipment like tatami mats and wooden buckets dispersed around. There's a serene Zen garden visible through the open shoji doors.

Karate female anthropomorph Tiger, training in traditional dojo

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