A 3x3 foot digital print created using electron microscope imagery of computer chip components. The artwork transforms the miniature world of microprocessors into a futuristic cityscape. Transistors become skyscrapers, circuit paths turn into highways, and capacitors transform into vast energy storage facilities. The scale is cleverly played with, making viewers feel as if they're flying high above a vast technological urban sprawl. The color palette is predominantly silver and blue, with touches of gold and copper to highlight important structures. Upon very close inspection, viewers can spot tiny labels with actual component names and functions, merging the real and imagined aspects of this silicon city.

A 3x3 foot digital print created using electron microscope imagery of computer chip components. The artwork transforms the miniature world of microprocessors into a futuristic cityscape. Transistors become skyscrapers, circuit paths turn into highways, and capacitors transform into vast energy storage facilities. The scale is cleverly played with, making viewers feel as if they're flying high above a vast technological urban sprawl. The color palette is predominantly silver and blue, with touches of gold and copper to highlight important structures. Upon very close inspection, viewers can spot tiny labels with actual component names and functions, merging the real and imagined aspects of this silicon city.

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