
Generate pixel art depicting an adorable, round, white puppy-like creature, with long ears that almost seem to be a pair of cinnamon rolls. This creature has a whimsical Kawaii vibe, characterized by its innocent, big blue eyes and tiny, blushing cheeks. The creature is amicably waving and leaves a feeling of joy, softness and gentleness, which are characteristic features of the Kawaii art style.

Generate pixel art depicting an adorable, round, white puppy-like creature, with long ears that almost seem to be a pair of cinnamon rolls. This creature has a whimsical Kawaii vibe, characterized by its innocent, big blue eyes and tiny, blushing cheeks. The creature is amicably waving and leaves a feeling of joy, softness and gentleness, which are characteristic features of the Kawaii art style.


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