This piece is a holographic projection contained within a 6-foot cube of clear acrylic. Within the cube, a flower seems to float in mid-air. The flower is unlike any earthly bloom - its petals are fractal patterns that constantly shift and reform. The colors range across the entire spectrum, sometimes blending smoothly, other times creating stark contrasts. As viewers move around the cube, the flower appears to rotate, revealing new dimensions and shapes. Occasionally, the entire structure bursts apart into a cloud of swirling particles, only to reform moments later into a completely new configuration. The hologram is so detailed that even upon close inspection, it's difficult to distinguish from a physical object. A faint humming emanates from the base of the cube, adding an auditory dimension to the piece.

This piece is a holographic projection contained within a 6-foot cube of clear acrylic. Within the cube, a flower seems to float in mid-air. The flower is unlike any earthly bloom - its petals are fractal patterns that constantly shift and reform. The colors range across the entire spectrum, sometimes blending smoothly, other times creating stark contrasts. As viewers move around the cube, the flower appears to rotate, revealing new dimensions and shapes. Occasionally, the entire structure bursts apart into a cloud of swirling particles, only to reform moments later into a completely new configuration. The hologram is so detailed that even upon close inspection, it's difficult to distinguish from a physical object. A faint humming emanates from the base of the cube, adding an auditory dimension to the piece.

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