Kendo determined succubus in a dojo

Imagine a succubus character, heavily grounded in the traditional imagery of Japanese mythology. She is wearing a kendo uniform with protective armor, gripping her bamboo sword tightly with a determined gaze. Her wings are just another layer in the background of this traditional dojo, complete with tatami mats and a shoji screen. The overall visual style is heavily inspired by pre-1912 Japanese woodblock print art, a nod to a timeless aesthetic that feels like a cross-cultural bridge. Note that there should not be any text visible within this image.

Imagine a succubus character, heavily grounded in the traditional imagery of Japanese mythology. She is wearing a kendo uniform with protective armor, gripping her bamboo sword tightly with a determined gaze. Her wings are just another layer in the background of this traditional dojo, complete with tatami mats and a shoji screen. The overall visual style is heavily inspired by pre-1912 Japanese woodblock print art, a nod to a timeless aesthetic that feels like a cross-cultural bridge. Note that there should not be any text visible within this image.

Kendo determined succubus in a dojo

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