anthropomorph tigress, wearing a black karate gi, training in traditional dojo.

An anime-inspired depiction of an anthropomorphic tigress character. She is depicted wearing a black karate gi and rigorously training in the calm environment of a traditional dojo. The flooring is of worn, wooden planks polished from use, with a faint scent of incense wafting from a corner. Traditional paper lanterns cast a warm and inviting glow. She performs fluid martial arts movements, displaying concentration and discipline. The overall artistic style of the scene is influenced by common manga aesthetics.

An anime-inspired depiction of an anthropomorphic tigress character. She is depicted wearing a black karate gi and rigorously training in the calm environment of a traditional dojo. The flooring is of worn, wooden planks polished from use, with a faint scent of incense wafting from a corner. Traditional paper lanterns cast a warm and inviting glow. She performs fluid martial arts movements, displaying concentration and discipline. The overall artistic style of the scene is influenced by common manga aesthetics.

anthropomorph tigress, wearing a black karate gi, training in traditional dojo.

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