White men, all dressed in white, in a black hole

Visualize Caucasian men, all clothed in white attire, standing amidst a swirling dark abyss. The artwork should be illustrated in traditional anime style with attention to detail in terms of character design, attire and the rendering of the dark abyss around them. Depth should be established to emphasize the vastness of the abyss, while maintaining the brightness of the white attire worn by the individuals as a stark contrast against the dark surroundings.

Visualize Caucasian men, all clothed in white attire, standing amidst a swirling dark abyss. The artwork should be illustrated in traditional anime style with attention to detail in terms of character design, attire and the rendering of the dark abyss around them. Depth should be established to emphasize the vastness of the abyss, while maintaining the brightness of the white attire worn by the individuals as a stark contrast against the dark surroundings.

White men, all dressed in white, in a black hole

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