anthropomorph tigress with no hair, wearing a karate gi, training in traditional dojo with a male human.

Draw an anthropomorphic tigress with no hair, clothed in a karate gi. She's practicing intensely in a traditional dojo. Along with her, there's a male human partner. He has South Asian descent and they're both practicing martial arts seriously. This is in the characteristic black and white rendering of manga with attention to expressive character faces and dynamic action poses.

Draw an anthropomorphic tigress with no hair, clothed in a karate gi. She's practicing intensely in a traditional dojo. Along with her, there's a male human partner. He has South Asian descent and they're both practicing martial arts seriously. This is in the characteristic black and white rendering of manga with attention to expressive character faces and dynamic action poses.

anthropomorph tigress with no hair, wearing a karate gi, training in traditional dojo with a male human.

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