School boy

Influenced by the traditional Japanese style of anime, create an artwork depicting a school boy. He should have characteristic traits often seen in anime characters such as big, expressive eyes, a youthful face, and a short spiky hairstyle. Dressed in a typical Japanese school uniform - a fitted blazer with a school emblem over a white button-down shirt, black tie, and straight-leg trousers. A school bag thrown over one shoulder, and he's standing in the setting of a school corridor lined with lockers.

Influenced by the traditional Japanese style of anime, create an artwork depicting a school boy. He should have characteristic traits often seen in anime characters such as big, expressive eyes, a youthful face, and a short spiky hairstyle. Dressed in a typical Japanese school uniform - a fitted blazer with a school emblem over a white button-down shirt, black tie, and straight-leg trousers. A school bag thrown over one shoulder, and he's standing in the setting of a school corridor lined with lockers.

School boy

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