Emo boy pretty handsome and cold

Create an anthropomorphic image of a pretty, handsome emo boy with a cold demeanour distilled from Manga design traditions. His features should include the characteristic style of emo: thick black rimmed glasses, dark-colored hair with bangs covering one eye, tight-fitting clothing in primary colors, and visible sense of desolation and aloofness. The character should be positioned in a minimalist space with a cool color palette to further emphasize the chilly nature of the character. This image should have absolutely no text.

Create an anthropomorphic image of a pretty, handsome emo boy with a cold demeanour distilled from Manga design traditions. His features should include the characteristic style of emo: thick black rimmed glasses, dark-colored hair with bangs covering one eye, tight-fitting clothing in primary colors, and visible sense of desolation and aloofness. The character should be positioned in a minimalist space with a cool color palette to further emphasize the chilly nature of the character. This image should have absolutely no text.

Emo boy pretty handsome and cold

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