A tarot portrait of Halequin the devilish clown, read and black jester’s outfit with diamonds motifs, jester’s hate in red and black with diamond motifs, Bishounen clown, mischievous expression, black mask, skinny, small stature, villain vibes, curly blonde hair 

Create a whimsical, devilish, manga-inspired character with prominent bishounen features. The character is depicted as a jester and the image captures their mischievous expression. They wear an elaborate outfit with a colour scheme of red and black, adorned with diamond motifs. Their hat, too, follows the jester theme, splashed with black and red colours and diamond patterns. A prominent feature of the character is their mask, which is pure black. The character is skinny and small in stature, implying a sense of menace and villainy. Their hair should be presented as naturally curly and blonde, adding an interesting contrast to their villainous aura. The overall feel of the image should interpret a tarot card portraying this devilish jester.

Create a whimsical, devilish, manga-inspired character with prominent bishounen features. The character is depicted as a jester and the image captures their mischievous expression. They wear an elaborate outfit with a colour scheme of red and black, adorned with diamond motifs. Their hat, too, follows the jester theme, splashed with black and red colours and diamond patterns. A prominent feature of the character is their mask, which is pure black. The character is skinny and small in stature, implying a sense of menace and villainy. Their hair should be presented as naturally curly and blonde, adding an interesting contrast to their villainous aura. The overall feel of the image should interpret a tarot card portraying this devilish jester.

A tarot portrait of Halequin the devilish clown, read and black jester’s outfit with diamonds motifs, jester’s hate in red and black with diamond motifs, Bishounen clown, mischievous expression, black mask, skinny, small stature, villain vibes, curly blonde hair

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