A nervous girl

Visualize a nervous anime girl in the manga style. She has wide, reflective eyes filled with anxious anticipation. Her hair is cascading down in a haphazard manner, indicating her unease. She is wearing a typical high school uniform, clutching her bag's straps tightly. Eyebrows are raised in concern and lips are slightly parted, as if she's about to speak. Her posture is slightly hunched, portraying her self-consciousness. The drawing style for this image is in intricate, detailed linework found common in manga.

Visualize a nervous anime girl in the manga style. She has wide, reflective eyes filled with anxious anticipation. Her hair is cascading down in a haphazard manner, indicating her unease. She is wearing a typical high school uniform, clutching her bag's straps tightly. Eyebrows are raised in concern and lips are slightly parted, as if she's about to speak. Her posture is slightly hunched, portraying her self-consciousness. The drawing style for this image is in intricate, detailed linework found common in manga.

A nervous girl

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