Hanuman setting Lanka on fire 

Create a detailed and imaginative tattoo design representing the following concept: An anthropomorphic monkey characterized by muscular physique and wearing traditional Indian attire, as inspired by the character Hanuman from ancient Indian mythology. This character is shown in a dynamic pose, displaying in one hand a flaming torch, and in the other, a mountain. The backdrop is a stylized city with its buildings and trees appearing to be engulfed in flames. This denotes the scene where Hanuman is setting the mythical city of Lanka on fire. The city itself should be intricate in detail but tone down so as not to divert attention from the central figure. The whole design should have dimensions suited for a large piece tattoo, primarily but not limited to torso placement.

Create a detailed and imaginative tattoo design representing the following concept: An anthropomorphic monkey characterized by muscular physique and wearing traditional Indian attire, as inspired by the character Hanuman from ancient Indian mythology. This character is shown in a dynamic pose, displaying in one hand a flaming torch, and in the other, a mountain. The backdrop is a stylized city with its buildings and trees appearing to be engulfed in flames. This denotes the scene where Hanuman is setting the mythical city of Lanka on fire. The city itself should be intricate in detail but tone down so as not to divert attention from the central figure. The whole design should have dimensions suited for a large piece tattoo, primarily but not limited to torso placement.

Hanuman setting Lanka on fire

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