Humanoid tigress with no hair, wearing a karate gi, sparring in traditional dojo with a male human.

Visualize an image taking inspiration from manga. It features a humanoid tigress, void of any hair and garbed in a white karate gi. The tigress is engaged in a sparring match inside a traditional dojo featuring tatami mats and shoji screens with a South Asian, male human. The male human is also adorned in a karate gi, ready for the match.

Visualize an image taking inspiration from manga. It features a humanoid tigress, void of any hair and garbed in a white karate gi. The tigress is engaged in a sparring match inside a traditional dojo featuring tatami mats and shoji screens with a South Asian, male human. The male human is also adorned in a karate gi, ready for the match.

Humanoid tigress with no hair, wearing a karate gi, sparring in traditional dojo with a male human.

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