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Create a pixel artwork depicting a cool action scene featuring two animation characters in the style of 1980s video games. One character is an armed warrior, a Black woman with silken hair who is dressed in her battle armor reflecting the heat of the battle. The other character is a skilled sorceress, a Hispanic woman with a radiant magical staff in her hand, her robe flowing with the wind. The setting is a fiery landscape with the bright sun emitting hot rays in the background, highlighting the intense action-packed scenario.

Create a pixel artwork depicting a cool action scene featuring two animation characters in the style of 1980s video games. One character is an armed warrior, a Black woman with silken hair who is dressed in her battle armor reflecting the heat of the battle. The other character is a skilled sorceress, a Hispanic woman with a radiant magical staff in her hand, her robe flowing with the wind. The setting is a fiery landscape with the bright sun emitting hot rays in the background, highlighting the intense action-packed scenario.

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