A life-sized sculpture of a woolly mammoth, standing 11 feet tall at the shoulder, dominates the center of the room. The mammoth's body is crafted from thousands of small, interlocking pieces of driftwood, weathered to a silvery gray. The wood grain follows the contours of the mammoth's musculature, creating a sense of movement. The tusks are made from polished alabaster, curving gracefully upward. Where the mammoth's eyes should be, there are instead deep, hollow sockets filled with tiny LED lights that twinkle like stars. A thin mist continuously emanates from the mammoth's trunk, giving the piece an ethereal quality. The floor around the sculpture is covered in a layer of fine, white sand, and hidden speakers emit low-frequency sounds reminiscent of distant elephantine calls.

A life-sized sculpture of a woolly mammoth, standing 11 feet tall at the shoulder, dominates the center of the room. The mammoth's body is crafted from thousands of small, interlocking pieces of driftwood, weathered to a silvery gray. The wood grain follows the contours of the mammoth's musculature, creating a sense of movement. The tusks are made from polished alabaster, curving gracefully upward. Where the mammoth's eyes should be, there are instead deep, hollow sockets filled with tiny LED lights that twinkle like stars. A thin mist continuously emanates from the mammoth's trunk, giving the piece an ethereal quality. The floor around the sculpture is covered in a layer of fine, white sand, and hidden speakers emit low-frequency sounds reminiscent of distant elephantine calls.

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