This interactive digital installation covers an entire 30x30 foot wall. At first glance, it appears to be a massive waterfall of binary code - endless streams of 1s and 0s cascading down in various shades of blue. As viewers approach, motion sensors detect their presence, and the numbers begin to coalesce into recognizable images related to the digital age - computer icons, social media logos, fragments of text messages. These images form and dissolve in the "water" of the binary stream. Viewers can use hand gestures to interact with the waterfall, parting the streams or creating eddies of swirling data. The installation is accompanied by a soundscape of rushing water mixed with digital beeps and clicks.

This interactive digital installation covers an entire 30x30 foot wall. At first glance, it appears to be a massive waterfall of binary code - endless streams of 1s and 0s cascading down in various shades of blue. As viewers approach, motion sensors detect their presence, and the numbers begin to coalesce into recognizable images related to the digital age - computer icons, social media logos, fragments of text messages. These images form and dissolve in the "water" of the binary stream. Viewers can use hand gestures to interact with the waterfall, parting the streams or creating eddies of swirling data. The installation is accompanied by a soundscape of rushing water mixed with digital beeps and clicks.

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