Anime girls cleaning a f40 at beach

A group of anime-style female characters are busying themselves cleaning a Ferrari F40 on a tranquil beach. They're each from different descents, one being Caucasian, another one being Hispanic, and the third being Middle-Eastern. The scene is rendered in the 8-bit pixel art style, and the colors are a soft, pastel palette typically used in impressionist paintings. The background boasts of a peaceful azure ocean with the azure sky dotting overhead filled with fluffy, cotton candy-like clouds.

A group of anime-style female characters are busying themselves cleaning a Ferrari F40 on a tranquil beach. They're each from different descents, one being Caucasian, another one being Hispanic, and the third being Middle-Eastern. The scene is rendered in the 8-bit pixel art style, and the colors are a soft, pastel palette typically used in impressionist paintings. The background boasts of a peaceful azure ocean with the azure sky dotting overhead filled with fluffy, cotton candy-like clouds.

Anime girls cleaning a f40 at beach

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