This ceiling installation transforms an entire room into an otherworldly forest. Hundreds of translucent, organically shaped panels are suspended from the ceiling at various heights. Each panel is made from a specially developed bio-plastic that contains living, bioluminescent algae. During the day, the panels glow a soft green, but as the room darkens, they begin to emit a stronger, blue-green light. The light pulses gently, creating the illusion of waves passing through the canopy. Viewers can walk beneath the installation, their movements causing subtle currents in the algae containers, which in turn trigger more intense bioluminescence. The room is kept cool and humid to sustain the living artwork.

This ceiling installation transforms an entire room into an otherworldly forest. Hundreds of translucent, organically shaped panels are suspended from the ceiling at various heights. Each panel is made from a specially developed bio-plastic that contains living, bioluminescent algae. During the day, the panels glow a soft green, but as the room darkens, they begin to emit a stronger, blue-green light. The light pulses gently, creating the illusion of waves passing through the canopy. Viewers can walk beneath the installation, their movements causing subtle currents in the algae containers, which in turn trigger more intense bioluminescence. The room is kept cool and humid to sustain the living artwork.

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