Femboy otter

Create an anthropomorphic image depicting an effeminate male otter character, visually influenced by the classical elements of early-to-mid-20th-century Japanese animation. The otter should be stunningly detailed, showcasing softness and effeminacy in their appearance and expression. Their fur should be sleek and subtly shimmery, suggesting wetness as if they have just come out of a swim. Their outfit should be casual and trendy, a playful nod to modern urban fashion. The background should be serene with the ambiance of an riverside environment. Kindly ensure that there is no text or writing of any sort in the image.

Create an anthropomorphic image depicting an effeminate male otter character, visually influenced by the classical elements of early-to-mid-20th-century Japanese animation. The otter should be stunningly detailed, showcasing softness and effeminacy in their appearance and expression. Their fur should be sleek and subtly shimmery, suggesting wetness as if they have just come out of a swim. Their outfit should be casual and trendy, a playful nod to modern urban fashion. The background should be serene with the ambiance of an riverside environment. Kindly ensure that there is no text or writing of any sort in the image.

Femboy otter

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