A nervous girl

Create an image of an anime-style nervous girl. She should have wide, expressive eyes, a slight blush on her cheeks indicating her shyness, and her hands should be fidgeting with her attire. The girl is in a typical manga-style school uniform with a pleated skirt, blazer, and a ribbon tie. Her hair is black and styled into two pigtails. The background should be a hint of a typical classroom setting.

Create an image of an anime-style nervous girl. She should have wide, expressive eyes, a slight blush on her cheeks indicating her shyness, and her hands should be fidgeting with her attire. The girl is in a typical manga-style school uniform with a pleated skirt, blazer, and a ribbon tie. Her hair is black and styled into two pigtails. The background should be a hint of a typical classroom setting.

A nervous girl

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