A sad girl holding a rose

Picture a scene with an anime-like representation of a somber girl. She should be drawn with soft features, gentle curves, and exaggeratedly large, expressive eyes conveying deep sadness. Her hair is long and flowing. The girl is captured while holding a single rose in her hand. The vibrancy of the rose should contrast against the muted, pale hues utilized in the rest of the image to emphasise both its beauty and the girl's melancholy. The style should evoke the essence of 'pastel', characterized by light tones and soft colour transitions.

Picture a scene with an anime-like representation of a somber girl. She should be drawn with soft features, gentle curves, and exaggeratedly large, expressive eyes conveying deep sadness. Her hair is long and flowing. The girl is captured while holding a single rose in her hand. The vibrancy of the rose should contrast against the muted, pale hues utilized in the rest of the image to emphasise both its beauty and the girl's melancholy. The style should evoke the essence of 'pastel', characterized by light tones and soft colour transitions.

A sad girl holding a rose

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