Thor, hulk, shield, infinity gauntlet

Envision a detailed and creative tattoo design on a human body. The design should incorporate elements inspired by Nordic mythology, featuring a character bearing a remarkably large hammer, a powerful figure of immense size and strength, armored protection typically used in warfare, and a glove adorned with multi-colored gems. This should be crafted in a contemporary and digital art style, utilizing bold colors, dynamic shapes, and intricate details.

Envision a detailed and creative tattoo design on a human body. The design should incorporate elements inspired by Nordic mythology, featuring a character bearing a remarkably large hammer, a powerful figure of immense size and strength, armored protection typically used in warfare, and a glove adorned with multi-colored gems. This should be crafted in a contemporary and digital art style, utilizing bold colors, dynamic shapes, and intricate details.

Thor, hulk, shield, infinity gauntlet

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