The story follows childhood friends, Jason, and Nikki, who realize they love each other. Nikki is a single mom to two-year-old daughter in a nurse. She's a true crime enthusiast who believes in loyalty. She's being heavily pursued by young man by the name of Kevin Kevin is in the US Army. He has money and brains, but Nikki isn't interested in him because she could tell he's trying too hard, struggling DJ who found unexpected success with his clothes in line of graphic T-shirts and hoodies arrogant let down his loved ones and Nikki love each other, but Jason had an affair with a married woman named Victoria. She's his ex-girlfriend who wanted to leave her husband for Jason, but Jason told her that she was gonna leave her husband leave for herself. Don't leave for him. She felt offended and hurt and now she's putting the pictures to her husband that Jason is a stalker When they were in Jason explains the mess he caused to Nikki Jason's love for 90s R&B since Nikki and Tana awakening Nikki obsessional true crime give Jason a perspective about human behavior. They end up in their own true crime story because they love each other unfortunately, they're the villains that nobody talks about.

The story follows childhood friends, Jason, and Nikki, who realize they love each other. Nikki is a single mom to two-year-old daughter in a nurse. She's a true crime enthusiast who believes in loyalty. She's being heavily pursued by young man by the name of Kevin Kevin is in the US Army. He has money and brains, but Nikki isn't interested in him because she could tell he's trying too hard, struggling DJ who found unexpected success with his clothes in line of graphic T-shirts and hoodies arrogant let down his loved ones and Nikki love each other, but Jason had an affair with a married woman named Victoria. She's his ex-girlfriend who wanted to leave her husband for Jason, but Jason told her that she was gonna leave her husband leave for herself. Don't leave for him. She felt offended and hurt and now she's putting the pictures to her husband that Jason is a stalker When they were in Jason explains the mess he caused to Nikki Jason's love for 90s R&B since Nikki and Tana awakening Nikki obsessional true crime give Jason a perspective about human behavior. They end up in their own true crime story because they love each other unfortunately, they're the villains that nobody talks about.

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