Anime girls cleaning a bmw e39 at backyard

Imagine a scene featuring two anime-styled females, engaged in the activity of car wash in casual clothes. The car is a BMW e39 model, depicted in high resolution pixel art. The setting is a suburban backyard, filled with well manicured foliage and a quaint picket fence. Highlight the catchlights in the girls' eyes, common in anime art, and the sheen on the car. The overall piece should feel like a still frame from an utterly mundane but strangely captivating day in an animated series, rendered entirely in pixel art.

Imagine a scene featuring two anime-styled females, engaged in the activity of car wash in casual clothes. The car is a BMW e39 model, depicted in high resolution pixel art. The setting is a suburban backyard, filled with well manicured foliage and a quaint picket fence. Highlight the catchlights in the girls' eyes, common in anime art, and the sheen on the car. The overall piece should feel like a still frame from an utterly mundane but strangely captivating day in an animated series, rendered entirely in pixel art.

Anime girls cleaning a bmw e39 at backyard

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