School boy

Visualize an anime-style artwork displaying a school boy. He's wearing a traditional Japanese school uniform consisting of a white shirt, tie and black blazer. His black hair is slightly messy, and glasses are perched on his nose. He carries a backpack slung over his right shoulder, and he holds a couple of textbooks in his left hand. The background consists of a school setting, with lockers on one side and classroom doors on the other. The boy is walking along the hallway with an earnest expression on his face.

Visualize an anime-style artwork displaying a school boy. He's wearing a traditional Japanese school uniform consisting of a white shirt, tie and black blazer. His black hair is slightly messy, and glasses are perched on his nose. He carries a backpack slung over his right shoulder, and he holds a couple of textbooks in his left hand. The background consists of a school setting, with lockers on one side and classroom doors on the other. The boy is walking along the hallway with an earnest expression on his face.

School boy

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