As Joe and Jessica peered into the smoldering crater, they were shocked to see a baby boy, seemingly unharmed by the explosion. The boy, who appeared to be of Latin descent, had dark brown hair, yellow eyes, and olive skin. But what caught their attention was a strange deformity - a hole in his left cheek, exposing his tiny teeth.  "Oh my," Jessica gasped, her heart breaking at the sight of the vulnerable child. "He must have been at the center of the explosion. It's a miracle he survived."  Joe nodded in agreement, his mind racing as he tried to make sense of the situation. "We need to get him out of here," he said, his voice firm and resolute. "He needs help."  As they carefully extracted the baby from the crater, they could feel a sense of connection to the child, as if Fate had brought them together for a reason. And so, without hesitation, they made the decision to keep him and raise him as their own.  "We need to give him a name," Jessica said as they began the journey back to their home. "Something that reflects his strength and resilience."  Joe thought for a moment, his mind swirling with possibilities. And then, with a knowing nod, he said, "Let's call him Carlos. It's a strong name, fitting for a strong boy."  Jessica smiled, feeling a warmth in her heart at the sound of the name. "Carlos," she repeated, looking down at the child in her arms. "I love it. It suits him perfectly."

As Joe and Jessica peered into the smoldering crater, they were shocked to see a baby boy, seemingly unharmed by the explosion. The boy, who appeared to be of Latin descent, had dark brown hair, yellow eyes, and olive skin. But what caught their attention was a strange deformity - a hole in his left cheek, exposing his tiny teeth. "Oh my," Jessica gasped, her heart breaking at the sight of the vulnerable child. "He must have been at the center of the explosion. It's a miracle he survived." Joe nodded in agreement, his mind racing as he tried to make sense of the situation. "We need to get him out of here," he said, his voice firm and resolute. "He needs help." As they carefully extracted the baby from the crater, they could feel a sense of connection to the child, as if Fate had brought them together for a reason. And so, without hesitation, they made the decision to keep him and raise him as their own. "We need to give him a name," Jessica said as they began the journey back to their home. "Something that reflects his strength and resilience." Joe thought for a moment, his mind swirling with possibilities. And then, with a knowing nod, he said, "Let's call him Carlos. It's a strong name, fitting for a strong boy." Jessica smiled, feeling a warmth in her heart at the sound of the name. "Carlos," she repeated, looking down at the child in her arms. "I love it. It suits him perfectly."

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