A pixel fairy tale castle with a dragon circling around it.

Create a pixel art image showcasing a scene from a fairy tale. The primary focus is a pastel-colored castle that is distinctly pixelated to evoke a retro game aesthetic. Nearby, a dragon is flying in a circular path around the castle, rendered in the same pixel art style. The dragon and the castle both exude an enchanting, pastel color scheme, highlighting the fairy tale ambiance.

Create a pixel art image showcasing a scene from a fairy tale. The primary focus is a pastel-colored castle that is distinctly pixelated to evoke a retro game aesthetic. Nearby, a dragon is flying in a circular path around the castle, rendered in the same pixel art style. The dragon and the castle both exude an enchanting, pastel color scheme, highlighting the fairy tale ambiance.

A pixel fairy tale castle with a dragon circling around it.

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