Funny and cool school boy

Create a hilarious and hip school boy in anime style. He should be seen wearing a typical Japanese school uniform consisting of a blazer with a crest, a tie, high collared shirt, trousers, and shiny black shoes. His hairstyle should be unique and trendy, perhaps with spiky hair or one unusual color streak. His expression should indicate an upbeat personality with a hint of mischief or cheekiness, perhaps with him winking or sticking his tongue out teasingly. He carries a backpack overflowing with books and stationery, showing his commitment to academics, while also maintaining his cool demeanor.

Create a hilarious and hip school boy in anime style. He should be seen wearing a typical Japanese school uniform consisting of a blazer with a crest, a tie, high collared shirt, trousers, and shiny black shoes. His hairstyle should be unique and trendy, perhaps with spiky hair or one unusual color streak. His expression should indicate an upbeat personality with a hint of mischief or cheekiness, perhaps with him winking or sticking his tongue out teasingly. He carries a backpack overflowing with books and stationery, showing his commitment to academics, while also maintaining his cool demeanor.

Funny and cool school boy

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