anthropomorph tigress with no hair, wearing a karate gi, training in traditional dojo with a male human.

Create an image of an anthropomorphic tigress character, devoid of hair, dressed in a karate gi. She is practicing martial arts in a traditional dojo with an Asian male human partner. The overall style and technique should echo those commonly seen in pre-1912 Japanese woodblock prints, specifically the ukiyo-e genre, which manga is traditionally derived from. The characters should be dynamic and graphical, with a strong emphasis on line work and form.

Create an image of an anthropomorphic tigress character, devoid of hair, dressed in a karate gi. She is practicing martial arts in a traditional dojo with an Asian male human partner. The overall style and technique should echo those commonly seen in pre-1912 Japanese woodblock prints, specifically the ukiyo-e genre, which manga is traditionally derived from. The characters should be dynamic and graphical, with a strong emphasis on line work and form.

anthropomorph tigress with no hair, wearing a karate gi, training in traditional dojo with a male human.

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