A 6x8 foot mixed media piece exploring the impermanence of digital information. The artwork begins as a large, high-resolution photograph printed on archival paper. This image is then partially obscured and degraded using various techniques: sections are covered with glitch-inspired resin pours, parts are shredded and rewoven into the canvas, and others are burned or chemically eroded. QR codes scattered throughout the piece originally linked to related digital content, but some are deliberately damaged or lead to deleted websites. The contrast between the pristine areas and the degraded sections serves as a commentary on data corruption and the fragility of our digital legacy.

A 6x8 foot mixed media piece exploring the impermanence of digital information. The artwork begins as a large, high-resolution photograph printed on archival paper. This image is then partially obscured and degraded using various techniques: sections are covered with glitch-inspired resin pours, parts are shredded and rewoven into the canvas, and others are burned or chemically eroded. QR codes scattered throughout the piece originally linked to related digital content, but some are deliberately damaged or lead to deleted websites. The contrast between the pristine areas and the degraded sections serves as a commentary on data corruption and the fragility of our digital legacy.

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