
Generate an anthropomorphic image depicting a wolf characterized by futuristic, outer space aesthetics. The wolf should appear as though composed of holographic, ethereal light, with the cosmic patterns and scenes embedded in its form. Its pose should be dynamic and majestic, hinting at its wild, noble nature. The background should feature abstract depictions of distant galaxies, stars, and nebulae. Despite the complex projections, the wolf's form should remain discernable. Please ensure there is absolutely no text in the image.

Generate an anthropomorphic image depicting a wolf characterized by futuristic, outer space aesthetics. The wolf should appear as though composed of holographic, ethereal light, with the cosmic patterns and scenes embedded in its form. Its pose should be dynamic and majestic, hinting at its wild, noble nature. The background should feature abstract depictions of distant galaxies, stars, and nebulae. Despite the complex projections, the wolf's form should remain discernable. Please ensure there is absolutely no text in the image.


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