A pixelated deep space scene with Yggdrasil at the core of the universe surrounded by the nebula clouds and galaxies, the nine planets are attached to the Yggdrasil’s branches, pastel hued witches riding on the broomsticks and and aliens are riding on the starships 

Create a pixel art image that exhibits a deep space scene where Yggdrasil, the majestic tree of ancient mythology, stands at the very core of the universe. This cosmic tree is enveloped by nebulous clouds and spiralling galaxies, with each of its branches holding a unique planet, totaling to nine in capacity. Enliven this scene with the addition of witches, robed in gentle pastel hues, gliding on their broomsticks. Accompany these magical beings with otherworldly aliens, gallantly maneuvering their starships. All these elements should be rendered in a way that is reminiscent of the traditional visual style seen in early '80s and '90s Japanese animation, before the use of computer assistance became prevalent.

Create a pixel art image that exhibits a deep space scene where Yggdrasil, the majestic tree of ancient mythology, stands at the very core of the universe. This cosmic tree is enveloped by nebulous clouds and spiralling galaxies, with each of its branches holding a unique planet, totaling to nine in capacity. Enliven this scene with the addition of witches, robed in gentle pastel hues, gliding on their broomsticks. Accompany these magical beings with otherworldly aliens, gallantly maneuvering their starships. All these elements should be rendered in a way that is reminiscent of the traditional visual style seen in early '80s and '90s Japanese animation, before the use of computer assistance became prevalent.

A pixelated deep space scene with Yggdrasil at the core of the universe surrounded by the nebula clouds and galaxies, the nine planets are attached to the Yggdrasil’s branches, pastel hued witches riding on the broomsticks and and aliens are riding on the starships

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