Anime girl

Portray a young female character illustrated in traditional anime style. She should have big expressive eyes, characteristic of the genre, and a hairstyle that is vibrant and flows nicely. Dress her in a typical school uniform or casual attire seen in many anime shows. Ensure that the character exudes an aura of intrigue and energy that is typically associated with main characters in anime. Note that there should be no textual elements within the image.

Portray a young female character illustrated in traditional anime style. She should have big expressive eyes, characteristic of the genre, and a hairstyle that is vibrant and flows nicely. Dress her in a typical school uniform or casual attire seen in many anime shows. Ensure that the character exudes an aura of intrigue and energy that is typically associated with main characters in anime. Note that there should be no textual elements within the image.

Anime girl

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