Agent black awoke she was the fiercest fighter here her specialty in daggers her evil teacher entered and the collar around her neck shocked her she was knocked out she awoke in a sterile room an unfamiliar man looked down at her he said your memories seem to be coming back we need to erase them again she nodded she woke up in her bed with somebody on the cot next to her this must be the new recruit she was supposed to train the teacher entered and she immeadietly stood she told her to train the new recruit in whips and daggers then she left

Agent black awoke she was the fiercest fighter here her specialty in daggers her evil teacher entered and the collar around her neck shocked her she was knocked out she awoke in a sterile room an unfamiliar man looked down at her he said your memories seem to be coming back we need to erase them again she nodded she woke up in her bed with somebody on the cot next to her this must be the new recruit she was supposed to train the teacher entered and she immeadietly stood she told her to train the new recruit in whips and daggers then she left

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