A massive wall-hanging textile art piece, measuring 15x30 feet. The tapestry is woven from a variety of fibers including silk, wool, metallic threads, and even fiber optic strands. The design depicts the entire history of the universe, starting from the Big Bang on the left side and progressing through cosmic, geological, and human history towards the right. Each era is represented by intricate patterns and imagery, with colors shifting from fiery reds and oranges of the early universe to the cool blues and greens of the ice ages, and finally to a spectrum of hues representing human civilization. The fiber optic threads are programmed to slowly pulse with light, creating the illusion of movement across the tapestry. Viewers can spot everything from the formation of galaxies to the rise and fall of dinosaurs, ancient civilizations, and modern technology, all rendered in stunning detail through various weaving techniques.

A massive wall-hanging textile art piece, measuring 15x30 feet. The tapestry is woven from a variety of fibers including silk, wool, metallic threads, and even fiber optic strands. The design depicts the entire history of the universe, starting from the Big Bang on the left side and progressing through cosmic, geological, and human history towards the right. Each era is represented by intricate patterns and imagery, with colors shifting from fiery reds and oranges of the early universe to the cool blues and greens of the ice ages, and finally to a spectrum of hues representing human civilization. The fiber optic threads are programmed to slowly pulse with light, creating the illusion of movement across the tapestry. Viewers can spot everything from the formation of galaxies to the rise and fall of dinosaurs, ancient civilizations, and modern technology, all rendered in stunning detail through various weaving techniques.

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