An installation piece consisting of a vintage pharmacy cabinet filled with 100 small glass bottles. Each bottle contains a unique "memory potion" – a carefully crafted mix of scents, small objects, and colored liquids that evoke specific memories or emotions. For example, one bottle might contain the scent of old books, tiny dried flowers, and sepia-tinted liquid to evoke nostalgia for a childhood library. Another might have the smell of sunscreen, small seashells, and blue-green liquid to trigger memories of beach vacations. Viewers are encouraged to open the bottles, experiencing a rush of sensory-induced remembrance.

An installation piece consisting of a vintage pharmacy cabinet filled with 100 small glass bottles. Each bottle contains a unique "memory potion" – a carefully crafted mix of scents, small objects, and colored liquids that evoke specific memories or emotions. For example, one bottle might contain the scent of old books, tiny dried flowers, and sepia-tinted liquid to evoke nostalgia for a childhood library. Another might have the smell of sunscreen, small seashells, and blue-green liquid to trigger memories of beach vacations. Viewers are encouraged to open the bottles, experiencing a rush of sensory-induced remembrance.

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