A tarot card portrait of Pierrot and sad clown with celestial elements and poison mushroom motifs

An image of a melancholic clown character inspired by Pierrot, posed in a tarot card-style portrait. This character is surrounded with celestial elements, hinting at mysterious stars, twinkling galaxies and radiant moons. Intertwined with these astral features are poison mushroom motifs, characterised by their cap-and-stem appearance, and possibly deadly allure. The style evokes strong elements of Art Nouveau, characterized by intricate, flowing lines, floral patterns, and natural forms, a period in the late 19th and early 20th century. Take note to ensure that there is absolutely no text visible in the image.

An image of a melancholic clown character inspired by Pierrot, posed in a tarot card-style portrait. This character is surrounded with celestial elements, hinting at mysterious stars, twinkling galaxies and radiant moons. Intertwined with these astral features are poison mushroom motifs, characterised by their cap-and-stem appearance, and possibly deadly allure. The style evokes strong elements of Art Nouveau, characterized by intricate, flowing lines, floral patterns, and natural forms, a period in the late 19th and early 20th century. Take note to ensure that there is absolutely no text visible in the image.

A tarot card portrait of Pierrot and sad clown with celestial elements and poison mushroom motifs

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